Monday, February 11, 2019

women's intuition: mine is one smart 'lil bitch

believers or non-believers, i don't really care...

i very much think ~women's intuition~ is a real thing. between my own learnings & realizations, the ones my girlfriends and my sister talk about, we're all in tune with our own intuition, and sometimes even each others. what matters is whether or not we listen to what that energy is trying to tell us. and more importantly, if we act on it.

every time sh!t goes south in my love life, i can't help but laugh because at least once, twice, maybe even six times, i told myself or a friend i knew the falling out would happen. i saw the red flags. well, my intuition did because in real life, i was all "suddenly, i cannot see."


my ex i kicked out. when i started dating him, i knew he wasn't my forever. i told my mother from the get-go that this was "temporary." throughout our time together, i had blips of extreme content where i thought maybe he was, but give him a few months and he'd remind me why he wasn't the man i'd spend the rest of my life with. inconsistent, unmotivated, complacent, etc. etc. etc.
with my "friend with benefit." the night we met, i told my girlfriends i thought he was a brothe kind of guy who puts his friends and partying first, leaving you a forever afterthought. he was a charming son-of-a-bitch though, and blinded me 'til i finally woke the f*%k up and got out of the situationship faster than i got in it.
with my first "real boyfriend." he was 17 and i was 14, something was clearly wrong. i lost everyone close to me dating him for as long as i did, after all that he did. yearssss of backstabbing, emotional abuse, name-calling. (fast forward ten years: he got a girl my younger sister's age pregnant, with a precious daughter. karma, you do exist.)

& the list goes on, and on, and on...

now you go ahead, give it a try. think about the times you ended up in situations you knew you shouldn't have been in before you got there, the times you got hurt and knew your heart would break the exact way it did, the times you were disappointed and knew you were going to be let down from the start, yet you found a tiny bit of hope to think maybe, you wouldn't...wrong-o!

we need to start listening to the tiny voices in our heads, hearts, belliesaka, our intuition. it's how we can save ourselves. it's how we'll stop wasting the energy that can be used elsewhere, positively. we need to stop listening to the loud, overpowering voices in our heads, hearts, belliesthe ones that bully us into thinking we should do something when we v obviously shouldn't.

don't text him even though you want to see his response. (if he even responds.)
don't go to his apartment late night thinking something good will come from it. (it never does.)
don't make that snarky remark to see how someone reacts. (it's never in your favor.)
don't half-ass something because you're too scared to throw yourself into something. (it'll never succeed.)

i recently had my chakras read. yes, i'm into "that" kind of stuff. and i was not surprised at all about what the healer had to say about me, especially when she told me about my "anja" chakra, my third eye. the chakra responsible for your intuition, your imagination, your creativity, etc. she told me it was open, but not activated...which means i acknowledge it, but i don't act on it. in other words: my intuition tells me something, and i respond with: go f*%k yourself. 

if our female bodies are graced with this incredible power to feel when something is so wrong for us, why cause such an injustice to ourselves and not listen to it? we need to stop pretending we're beautiful 'lil fools, and stand tf up and honor these consciences we've been magically blessed with. let go when your heart tells you to, walk away when your brain tells you to and most importantly, stay true to yourself when your intuition tells you to. ✨

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